
since the 8th grade i have gone by the nickname em g.  all of my close friends still call me that & always will.  an old art teacher always told me not to sign my full name on paintings...artists needed a signature that was more like a mark.  i've always signed em g on my paintings.  when i got married i figured i would sign em g f....someway.

then we got pregnant.

the most influential man in my husband's life was his grandfather, m.g. king.  we knew we wanted to name our son after him and after my father.

to keep the confusion at bay i decided i needed to sell my artwork through a different name.  it really didn't take me long to come up with the new name.

lipsey street.

our first apartment as a married couple was on lipsey street in new orleans.  we didn't live there long, but we both loved our time down there.

you can click on the tabs above to see some samples of my work. 

i can create almost anything for you.  just tell me what you're looking for and we'll figure out something! 


emily ferguson